Patrick and Teresa's Testimony

This is a powerful testimony of Patrick and Teresa coming to His Truth Transforms International because their marriage was in crisis. Their lives where totally shattered when Patrick admitted his infidelity, which left Teresa in brokenness leading to deep depression. Teresa didn’t love Patrick, in fact, she hated him and didn’t want to forgive what he had done to her. Patrick realized he was desperate, felt like he was not enough, incomplete, out of place, and totally lost. Through the counseling, they each realized their worth comes from God and His Word which allows them to see that they are good enough for God to love them and forgive them, allowing them to forgive each other. The counseling has made a huge impact on them individually, in their children’s lives, and their life together. Teresa praises God for healing her heart and restoring the brokenness and the mistrust she had toward Patrick. They are excited in their journey as they grow deeper in God.