Who is the Holy Spirit? - Podcast Episode 6

In today’s podcast, Kitty, Doris, and Christi explain how the Holy Spirit lives inside us, just waiting to empower us to give us God’s inner peace, joy, forgiveness, love, contentment, self-control, and to change how we act and think. They go on to explain as we read the Bible, allowing the Holy Spirit to apply God’s truth, we will change. Being filled with the Spirit is so real, so enlightening and uplifting, so powerful that once we’ve tasted life this way, no other life will ever satisfy us again. It is a life of victory, of overcoming, of conquering, of true humility, and they share how it is available to every believer.

Watch the video recording of this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w6qz4-h-Cs

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